How to Catch Nail Fungus Early

Embarking on a journey to understand toenail fungus is crucial for those dealing with this persistent issue. From unraveling the root causes to navigating through the various stages of its development, and finally, adopting preventive measures, this blog aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to manage and prevent toenail fungus effectively.

Causes of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, medically known as onychomycosis, can be attributed to a variety of causes, ranging from everyday habits to underlying health conditions. A thorough understanding of these causes lays the foundation for effective prevention.

Improper foot and nail hygiene are common culprits, creating an environment conducive to fungal growth. Walking barefoot in certain environments, particularly those with high humidity, provides an entry point for fungi. Individuals with compromised immune systems, diabetes, or circulatory issues may be more vulnerable to toenail fungus.

A question often asked is whether toenail fungal infections are contagious. Regrettably, the answer is yes. Fungi can spread from person to person and thrive in communal spaces like public swimming pools and gym showers.

The 3 Stages of Toenail Fungus Development

Understanding the three stages of toenail fungus development is paramount for timely intervention and successful treatment.

Early Stage

In the early stage, toenail fungus may display subtle symptoms, making detection challenging. Changes in nail color, texture, and thickness are early warning signs that should not be overlooked. Recognizing these signs is crucial for prompt action and effective treatment.

Moderate Stage

As the fungus progresses to the moderate stage, symptoms become more pronounced. Nail distortion, increased discomfort, and brittleness may occur. Identifying these signs is key to preventing further damage and seeking professional intervention.

Later Stage

In the later stage, toenail fungus can cause significant damage, resulting in extremely thick, crumbly, and discolored nails. Seeking professional help becomes imperative at this point, and treatment options may include non-invasive laser therapy.

Proactive Prevention of Toenail Fungus

Preventing toenail fungus involves adopting proactive measures in daily life to minimize risk and maintain overall foot health.


  • Maintain rigorous foot hygiene practices, including regular cleaning and drying
  • Wash towels regularly to eliminate potential fungal spores
  • Opt for breathable shoes and moisture-wicking socks to create an inhospitable environment for fungi
  • Clip nails regularly using sterile equipment to prevent the entry of fungi through cuts or abrasions


  • Avoid walking barefoot in potentially contaminated environments, especially in public showers, pools, and locker rooms
  • Refrain from sharing towels, socks, or footwear to minimize the risk of infection spread.

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Fungus of nails on the big toe - dermatomycosis and onychomycosis, fungal infection macro photo. Dermatology, treatment of nail mycosis.

Crafting an Effective Treatment Plan for Toenail Fungus

Understanding the unique characteristics of your toenail fungus is paramount before recommending any treatment options. Each fungal infection varies, considering factors such as the type, duration, associated skin conditions, and individual health considerations.

Once we have assessed your condition comprehensively, we can propose tailored treatment options for optimal results. This may include topical or oral antifungal medications, as well as the innovative approach of laser therapy.

Laser Treatment: A Breakthrough in Fungal Toenail Management

Our clinic employs an FDA-approved laser system designed to eliminate fungal toenail infections effectively. This state-of-the-art method offers a painless, drug-free solution with no reported side effects.

Compared to traditional antifungal medications, laser therapy boasts higher cure rates by precisely targeting the fungus where it resides, penetrating deeper than topical treatments.

While oral antifungal medications may be prescribed in specific cases, they often carry side effects unsuitable for all patients, unlike laser therapy.

What to Expect During Laser Treatment Sessions

Laser therapy typically involves 3-4 sessions spaced over several weeks, depending on the severity of the infection. Each appointment entails the application of the laser to infected nails, with no harm to surrounding healthy tissues.

The procedure, lasting under 30 minutes per session, requires no special preparation or post-care. While fungus eradication may occur within 2-3 treatments, residual nail damage will persist until new tissue fully regenerates.

With a comprehensive understanding of your condition and innovative treatment options like laser therapy, we aim to restore your toenail health effectively and efficiently.

Armed with a deeper understanding of toenail fungus causes, development stages, and proactive prevention tips, you are empowered to take control of your foot health. Prompt action during the early stages and adopting preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of toenail fungus. 

If you suspect an infection, seek professional help promptly to ensure effective treatment and prevent complications. Contact our office today or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. By integrating good foot hygiene practices and avoiding risky behaviors, you pave the way for healthier, fungus-free feet.